Emotions Need to Move

The word motion is contained in the word Emotion. Emotions move us and our emotions move others. Sometimes they draw us together, sometimes they push us apart. It is good to know our emotions. They teach us about ourselves — our wants, our needs, our desires. Sometimes they feel great, other times they are so […]

Finding Meaning and Purpose

Humans need meaning and purpose. In addition to the needs we share with other animals — oxygen, water, food and shelter,  and the needs we share with other social animals — connection, community, and affection (see my blog, Why We Need Community to Thrive), humans need meaning and purpose. We need to understand why we […]

Why We Need Community To Thrive

Human beings are social animals. Community is the biological plan of our species. We need others to survive. This need for social connection and bonding continues throughout our lives. Community has a powerful influence over the way we think, behave and feel about our selves and those around us. This is particularly true when we […]

What is Your Legacy?

We mostly think of legacy in terms of the money or property we might pass on to our survivors. It is actually anything transmitted or received from us including intangibles like values, beliefs, or attitudes. Often the intangible legacies are more valuable than money or property because they can guide one’s life. My mother, for […]

Avoiding the Whirlwind of Regret

The #1 regret of the dying  is not living a life true to one’s self, but instead living the life others expected of you. The 2nd regret is working too hard. Living without regret means: Attending to your own needs before helping others — like the oxygen mask on an airplane. Learning to moderate you […]

Love and Other Antidotes to Fear

According to the Beatles, All You Need Is Love to conquer fear. It’s true. Love makes everything possible except fear. The two emotions are incompatible. In the Beatles’ movie, The Yellow Submarine, the Blue Meanies are vanquished by love. We are all familiar with the blue meanies. They are the thoughts that leave us feeling […]

Mentor Luck

Working with a mentor is one of the best ways way to improve one’s success. A mentor, also called counselor, teacher, guide or coach, is someone with superior experience and knowledge who can guide students to achieve their goals. Mentorship is the 3rd form of social connections in my manifesting luck formula. (see Lucky Inner […]

Uplifting Social Connections

Our social connections have a powerful effect on our ability to achieve what we desire. Social connections are the 4th essential element of Luck and the container that holds the other three: Confidence, Vision, and Action. In Lucky Inner Connection, we looked at beliefs and thoughts that came from our childhood relationships and continue to […]

Grieving The “Less-Significant” Losses

Barb, my mother-in-law, died last Friday. She has been declining for a long time so her death was not unanticipated, just a bit quicker than expected. Her death has given me another opportunity to explore grieving up close. My husband George flew off to Seattle the same day to view her body and pay his […]

Lucky Inner Connection

Connection with others is the 4th essential element in creating good luck in one’s life. It is the container that holds the other three elements of luck — confidence, vision, and action which were described in previous blogs.     The responses of those we care about, those we are connected to, can lift us […]