Are you suffering from the loss of someone dear?
Do you feel immobilized by thoughts about
death and dying?
Are you exhausted and at your wits end
from the care of a dying loved-one?
Are you surrounded by people who avoid, deny or demonize death? Do you feel confused, frightened, and abandoned in dealing with the physical, emotional and spiritual challenges of death and grief? You are not alone.
Death is one of the best-kept secrets of our time. Death is also one of the best opportunities of your life! Death shatters the rhythm of daily life. In the frightening chaos that follows in its wake, there is a unique opportunity for discovery and transformation. When the roles and routine are stripped away, when all you know and have counted on become dust . . .
Something else can emerge,
Like the phoenix rising from the ashes,
The being you really are
and the purpose for why you are here.
If you are too afraid to open up to the experiences of dying, if you shut down, become rigid or mindlessly follow the frightened lead of others, you miss out on this profound and magical time. In shutting down you will cease to feel, to hear and to see with your heart. You will miss the love, the intimacy and self-knowledge that death can provide.
“The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.” — Barbara De Angelis
Are you ready to shift into a whole new way of being with death and loss?
A whole new way of living your life?
Learn more about my coaching program, HERE.
Check out our current Workshops and Teleconference and join with others in a safe and supportive arena for exploring the mystery and magic of life and death.
Understand the process of caregiving, dying and grieving with your own copy of one or all of my Secrets of Life and Death, Home-Use Films packages. Each package includes an exploration guide, to help you release your fears and claim the gifts that come with opening to the journeys of death.